Republican Party (United States) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
How the Fiscal Cliff May Affect Your Taxes - Yahoo! Finance
Well, isn't this interesting.? The Republican Party and the tea party are all about making sure that the wealthy get everything they want.? And making sure that they, the Republican Party and the tea party continue to get their congressional pay raises.? While they in fact take more of our money.? So they are actually cutting services to us why they give more money to themselves and to the wealthy.? And while they do that.? They are doing nothing to avert the financial Cliff so to speak.? Furthermore, they are doing nothing to bring to an and this domestic violence tragedy.? This national disgrace in our country.
How does that make you feel?? How does it make you feel knowing that the members of the tea party and the members of the Republican Party in the United States Congress are going to make sure that they get their congressional pay raises while at the same time taking money away from us the American people who are their employers?? How does it make you feel knowing that millions and millions of brave and courageous American women of all nationalities died and gave their lives protecting the Republican Party and this nation.? And that the only way that the Republican Party and the tea party can say thank you is by telling the women of the United States to go to hell.? Because that's what the Republican Party and tea party are doing.? That is what their actions are doing.
That's why I'm calling for a recall of the United States Congress, ladies and gentlemen.? The tea party and the Republican Party are not serving the Constitution.? They are not serving to protect and to defend the civil liberties of the American people.? They are in fact doing everything they can to yell and scream that the only way to fix this country economically is to take as much money away from the American people as possible and to give that money to the wealthy of this nation and to themselves.? While at the same time they are refusing under any circumstances to take any kind of public stand against the domestic violence that 6.6 million women are suffering and are being treated to every single year.? At a rate of one every 30 seconds.
Or are we forgetting the positions of Congressman Murdoch and Gov. Aiken?
These people who call themselves Republicans and who call themselves tea party members are in fact refusing to do their duty.? They are yelling and screaming to the people of this country that they want the middle and lower classes to put up and shut up and give the Republican Party and the tea party as much money as possible so that the Republican Party can get that money to themselves and to the wealthy.? Because the Republican Party wants the entire world to know that the only way to fix the problems in the United States is by taking as much money away from the middle class and the poor as possible and giving that money to the wealthy.? Because that's what they are going to do.? And they don't give a damn how many women are being murdered and killed every single day.? Because if they didn't care.? They would be speaking out against this national disgrace.? And they are not.
So I that make you feel?? How do you feel knowing that your mother or your sister or your daughter or your friend is not going to be protected against domestic violence?? How do you feel knowing that the government of this country where the Republicans and the tea party members are basically tried to control this nation are not doing a single damn thing to protect your mother or your sister or your daughter or your friend in any way whatsoever.? They are not doing anything.? They are doing nothing publicly to bring to an end.? This national disgrace.? If they are.? Let them put up and shut up and show us with their actions.
But instead the Republican Party and the tea party want everyone in United States and around the world to know that the tea party will murder and kill every American citizen in this country before they ever allow the wealthy to have to pay anything.? Because they want everyone to know that the only way to help the poor and the middle class in America is by taking as much money away from us as possible and giving that money to themselves as a congressional pay raise and then giving even more of our money to the wealthy.? Because they believe, meaning the Republican Party and tea party believe, that the only way to help us middle-class and poor is by killing as many of us as possible by taking money away from us and giving it to the wealthy.? Because the Republican Party and tea party are maintaining that the wealthy of this nation I the only one to deserve any kind of equal rights protection under the law.? And that is what they are doing with their actions.? And that is in fact a violation of their oath of office.? Because they are not protecting the civil liberties of the people of this country.? They are protecting the civil liberties of the wealthy and themselves.
And that's why my fellow Americans, I am calling upon all of us as like-minded Americans to demand the recall of the United States Congress right now.? We have that right under constitutional law.? The Congress is corrupt.? They are not protecting the rights of women.? They are not protecting the rights of the American people they are not protecting the civil liberties of we, the people of this nation who are in fact the legal employers of the members of Congress.? They are saying that the only way to help this country is by taking as much money away from us and giving that money to the wealthy and to themselves.? By making us even more poor than we already are.? And giving that money to the wealthy and of themselves.? They are saying that's going to fix everything.? And while they are doing that.? Every 30 seconds another woman is either being beaten, raped or murdered in this country.? And the tea party and the Republican Party are refusing to do anything publicly to stop this national disgrace.
And the tea party was to call me out on this.? Let them put up and shut up and demonstrate with their actions what they are doing.? Such as how Congressman Murdoch and Gov. Aiken made women in this country feel like they were nothing but second-class citizens.? And how does that make all of the families whose women died protecting this nation?? How does that make people in this nation feel about the women who every day are putting their lives on the line to protect this country and to protect all of us?? And how is a Republican Party thanking these women?? They are thanking these women by them.? Meaning the Republican Party telling these women that they want these women to become his poor as possible and to give the Republican Party as much money as possible so that the Republican Party can keep that money for themselves and give it to the wealthy Erie it.? Because the Republican Party wants as many of us to die just so that data Republican Party and the wealthy can get more money.
And while they are doing that every 30 seconds another sister or mother or daughter in this country is having her life either completely, totally ruined or she is being murdered.? Every 30 seconds.? And the tea party refuses to do anything about this and so does the Republican Party because they don't give a damn about the women even the women who died protecting the Republican Party.? Because the Republican Party only cares about taking the wealthy and themselves.? And this story is a very clear signal of just exactly that.
So, with it being about 10 days before the day.? As a nation we are going to sit down at our dinner tables and give thanks for what we have.? In that space of time, hundreds of women are going to end up either having their lives destroyed or they are going to be murdered.? And yet the tea party the Republican Party remain silent.? Because they are yelling and screaming all over the world that the only way to help the poor is by taking as much money away from the poor as possible and giving it to the wealthy.? That is their mantra.? That is their law.? Which means they are not obeying the Constitution.? Which means they are not securing the rights of the civil liberties of this nation.? They are not protecting the people of this nation.? They are not protecting the women of this nation.? They are in fact, showing absolute hatred and disrespect for the women of this nation.? Including the women every day who are risking their lives tacking the Republican Party and protecting all of us.
And that's why my fellow Americans, I am calling upon all of us to demand a recall of the Congress.? Now.? These people who are nothing more than murderers and who are practicing eugenics on us here in this country while they make themselves rich.? These people need to be kicked out of the Congress right now.? And we are their employers.? And we have that right under constitutional law.? Because they work for us.? We don't work for them.? They work for us.? And they are refusing to protect the women of this nation.? And it has to stop.? Because between now and Thanksgiving every single woman who is in fact murdered or who dies from domestic violence.? The blood of those women will be on the hands and on the soles of the Republican Party and the tea party for eternity.? Because of their silence.? And as a result of their silence they are infected enabling this tragedy to continue.? It is a form of eugenics.? And not only that the Republican Party is practicing laissez-faire when it comes to securing the rights and liberties of the people of this nation.? Because they are not in fact protecting the rights of the middle and lower classes.? They are telling us in the middle and lower classes to give up every single piece of money we have to make the Republican Party wealthier and to make the tea party wealthier and to give our money to the wealthy because the Republican Party wants us starving.? They want us losing our homes.? They want us going hungry so that the Republican Party can make more money and so that they can take our money away from us and give it to the wealthy.
And although while more and more women are dying and being raped and beaten and murdered at the rate of one every 30 seconds.? And the Republican Party and the tea party remain silent.? Remember Congressman Murdoch.? Remember Gov. Aiken.? Because they are in fact signals of what the Republican Party and tea party are all about.? A contempt and hatred for the women of the United States.? Whether they are part of our police forces or are military or armed services.? It doesn't matter.? The Republican Party is basically telling the women in the United States that they hate these women.? They hate all of us in this country because they are doing nothing to protect us.? They are taking our money and giving it to themselves and giving it to the wealthy trying to lie to us that only by making us his poor as possible will they ever be able to resolve the economic crisis.? But they're not going to take away their own congressional pay raises.? They're not to take any money away from the wealthy.? Only from us in the middle and lower classes.
That is why I am calling upon all of you my fellow Americans to stand with me and to protect the Constitution of these United States.? We have the legal right under constitutional law.? We have the legal right in the legal duty to recall the Congress.? To get these selfish monsters out of Congress.? We deserve better.? We are their employers.? And they are not protecting us.? They are not securing our rights.? They are not securing our liberties.? They are not taking our women.? Because they are doing nothing publicly under any circumstances to stop this national disgrace.
And yet they claim they are.? Let them put up and shut up and show us with their actions.
And of course they can't do that.? That is why I am calling for all like-minded Americans to join with me and to demand a recall of the Congress.? Now.? We are their employers.? And we hired them.? And we can fire them.
Call for recall of the Congress now.
Technorati Tags: Fiscal,Cliff,Affect,Taxes,Yahoo,Finance,Republican,fact,money,services,violence,tragedy,American,nation,hell,actions,Constitution,Congressman,Murdoch,Aiken,Republicans,classes,world,problems,daughter,friend,government,citizen,America,rights,protection,violation,oath,office,Americans,woman,Erie,data,life,dinner,mantra,disrespect,result,piece,Remember,contempt,Whether,forces,crisis,Call,members,employers,murderers,congressional,millions,women,damn,sister,eugenics?
The mind is like a book. Opened and much is learned. Closed and nothing is learned. (N. Maschke ? 1994)
"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Pastor Martin Niem?ller
- 9.2 million children die every year
- 780,000 children die every month
- 26,000 children die every day
- 18 children die every minute
Child mortality Statistics:
An estimated 9.2 million children under the age of five will die this year ? nearly 26,000 per day or 18 every minute. This is greater than the annual number of deaths from 1. AIDS (2 million), malaria (900,000), and tuberculosis (1.5 million) combined. 2. Neonatal disorders, pneumonia and diarrhea are the major causes of under-five mortality.
Globally, 80 percent of all child deaths are due to only a handful of causes: neonatal causes, pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. 3. Pneumonia or sepsis, pre-term delivery, and asphyxia at birth are the leading causes of neonatal deaths. Malnutrition is responsible for over a third of child deaths.
From: http://www.globalhealth.org/child_health/child_mortality/
And, according to recent United States statistics, there are approximately 43,000 suicides that take place, in the United States every single year. That would be one suicide taking place, by children as young as 12, or possibly younger, up to our oldest citizens. Approximately every 15 minutes.
Not one single penny that the pro-life movement spends on their so-called pro-life movement goes toward saving any of these ?living? children?s lives. Not one single cent. Which means that not one single cent of the so-called pro-life movement is being used to save any of the amazing children and absolutely fantastic women, and men, who are being killed, or suffering horribly, every single minute. so naturally, it becomes impossible to conclude that the pro-life movement is pro-life at all, if they will not even save the lives of living children and men and women. But will always only be concerned with, and define life as the ?fetus? only. And THAT?S NOT how their own God Jesus Christ defines life, in their own Bible.
Which means that the pro-life movement is not pro-life at all. Because their money is ?not? going to save any living life on this planet. Their money is only going toward forcing women to bear children against their will. And that?s not how their own God, Jesus Christ defines pro-life.
If The Almighty will not allow the smallest sparrow to fall from the sky, why, should we, the creations of that same Almighty, do any less?
With 78% of the population of the United States being Christian, (US Religious Demographic Statistics ) that also means that 78% of all the:
incidents that take place every year, are committed by approximately 78% of the population, meaning people who claim to be Christians. (US Religious Demographic Statistics ). And that is something that the Christian conservatives , and those who are Catholics, never seem to want to discuss, and in many, if not most, cases, will lie about. Unless they are forced to do so, and/or tell the truth, in a court of law.
And again, their own God, Jesus Christ says in their own Bible, not to judge anyone, and not to hurt anything that God makes. That?s anything. So, these statistics are really meant to illustrate about being responsible for one?s own choices and actions. That would be, in their own Bible, free-will choices and free-will actions.
My Statement On Religion
For the record, I do not now, nor have I ever hated any human being on earth. I do not hate, regarding my spirituality, and spiritual beliefs, anything that God did make. Meaning that I do not hate the ?humanity? that exists within any human being. However, God did not make the personal choices that humans make, regarding how they behave, and/or present themselves, to the world. So if a human being chooses, of their own free will to demonstrate their behavior with racism, bigotry, prejudice, and hatred for other humans, on the basis of their own free will choice as to how they define their spirituality within themselves, that is their own choice. So I do not hate any human being for being that which God did make. I hate only the choices and the manner in which humans have decided to demonstrate their behavior to one another. I do not hate religion. However, I will never give my support to ?any? religion, that has ever caused harm to, or killed, a single human being, in any way, as a result of the religion demonstrating, or manifesting it?s presence in the world. If any religion has ever harmed or killed a single human being, I respect the right of all humans to believe what they want in life. I, personally, will under no circumstances give my support for any religion, or theological belief, that has ever harmed or killed even a single human being. This is what I have dedicated my life to as a spiritualist and a pacifist here on earth. So any attempt by anyone to portray me as hating anyone is a lie. Because that is not so. The foregoing clearly shows that I have no hatred for humankind or for any religion.
My Pro-Life Statement
For the record, I am pro-life . I do not support violence against, or the killing of any human being under any circumstances! And the only way that I ever deviate from that stand is that I do not believe that God has ever given any human the right to dictate to any woman how she is to arbitrate her life with the Almighty, and/or God . Therefore, I believe that all women deserve the right to choose for themselves the fate of their own bodies, pursuant to their relationship with the Almighty, and/or God . My position regarding this statement is more fully explained in my article entitled: Second Gear.
The mind is like a book. Opened and much is learned. Closed and nothing is learned. (N. Maschke ? 1994)
General Further Reading:
- Jesus Christ
- The Sermon On The Mount
- God
- Allah
- The Bible
- The Torah
- The Talmud
- The Koran
- The Ten Commandments
- John The Baptist
- The Burning Times
- The Crusades
- Joan Of Arc
- The Children Of Lourdes
- The Children of Fatima
- The Spanish Inquisition
- Opus Dei
- The Battle of Independence
- George Washington
- The Mountain Meadows Massacre
- The American Civil War
- Slavery
- The Emancipation Proclamation
- Abraham Lincoln
- John Wilkes Booth
- The Christian Conservatives
- The American Baptist Congress
- The American Jewish Congress
- Ashkenazi Jews
- Sephardic Jews
- Jews
- Muslims
- Buddha
- Buddhists
- World War I
- Prohibition
- The Great Depression
- The Battle of Washington
- World War II
- Dachau
- The Korean War
- The Vietnam War
- Richard Nixon
- Oliver North
- The Iran-Contra Affair
- The Gulf War
- The Savings-And-Loan Crisis
- Bill Clinton
- The Balanced Budget Amendment
- The Iraq War
- The US Debt Clock
- The Kondratieff Wave
- Profitability Analysis
- Financial Analysis
- Vance Packard
- Laissez-Faire
- Inflation
- Bank of America Fraud
- Most of the Bail Out money going for executive bonuses
- Most companies LIE about their environmental fines Banks Using Bailout Funds To BRIBE Congress Banks Pay Lavish Bonuses To All Employees
- Money Managers Accused of $550 Million Fraud
- How The Republicans Use The Constitution To Lie (article 1, section 6, Subsection b) of The US Constitution
- The Birthers: Who Are They and What Do They Want?
- Bush Prepares Request for Rest Of Bailout Funds (Where the republican party gave $6 billion of American Taxpayer Money To The Banking Industry and Told the Banking Industry that they could use the money any way that they wanted, and that they did NOT have to pay the money back)
- Rick Perry to Host Hate Group-Funded Prayer Summit | Mother Jones
- Burnt Orange Report: Texas Governor Rick Perry Evangelical Church Hate Group
- Rick Perry joins with ?hate group? for divisive prayer meeting | Secular News Daily
- Rick Perry's Campaign Strategy? Distorting His Abysmal Economic Record | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
- Rick Perry Embraces Hate Group: They ?Promote Safe And Strong Families? | ThinkProgress, WATCH: Gov. Perry thanks the leader of the anti-gay hate group that funded his day of prayer
- Rick Perry?s Anti-Gay History ? Human Rights Campaign | HRC Back Story, RACIST??? REPUBLICANS USE STEREOTYPICAL IMAGE OF OBAMA ON A BOX OF WAFFLES!!!
- Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories
- Program won't cover 9 11 responders for cancer - CNN.com, Bank of America Fraud
- Religious right?s marriage pledge includes a ?witch-hunt? against the gay community ? SpeakEasy
- Rick Perry to Host Hate Group-Funded Prayer Summit | Mother Jones
- Burnt Orange Report: Texas Governor Rick Perry Evangelical Church Hate Group
- Rick Perry joins with ?hate group? for divisive prayer meeting | Secular News Daily
- Rick Perry's Campaign Strategy? Distorting His Abysmal Economic Record | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
- Rick Perry Embraces Hate Group: They ?Promote Safe And Strong Families? | ThinkProgress, WATCH: Gov. Perry thanks the leader of the anti-gay hate group that funded his day of prayer
- Rick Perry?s Anti-Gay History ? Human Rights Campaign | HRC Back Story, RACIST??? REPUBLICANS USE STEREOTYPICAL IMAGE OF OBAMA ON A BOX OF WAFFLES!!!
- Rick Perry's last stand
- Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories
- The Birthers: Who Are They and What Do They Want?
- House GOP threatens to kill bipartisan payroll tax deal in vote set for Monday
- How the GOP Will Unravel the Payroll Tax Break Tonight, Screwing the Middle Class the Week Before Christmas | AlterNet
- Hundreds protest Alabama immigration law at Montgomery rally
- Justice Department: Some Connecticut police targeted Latinos
- Lawmaker wants military patrols after child's murder
- O?Reilly: Romney, Gingrich will ?say anything? to win
- Perry Confronted by Teen over Gays Serving Openly in Military
- Perry Launches New Attacks on Gingrich, Romney
- Perry Urges Worshippers to Disregard 'Politically Correct Police'
- Republicans vie for faith of evangelical voters
- Romney still making millions from Bain: report
- Schumer: Boehner twisted 'pretzel'
- Tea Party Leader's Gun Arrest Highlights Tyranny of Law
- Tea partyers not keen about GOP presidential field
- The 10 Most Ridiculous Right-Wing Outrages of 2011 | | AlterNet
- Bachmann's Latest: Kinsey Report is "A Myth"
- PolitiFact Lie of the Year Is True--Ryan Did Try to Kill Medicare
- Rep. Allen West Compares Dems to Nazis and the House Tables a Resolution to Condemn His Comments
- Antigay American Family Association Backs Gingrich
- Boehner Rejects Payroll Tax Cut Plan
- Comparison of House, Senate payroll tax cut bills (AP)
- Gingrich Losing the Air War
- White House: GOP leaders putting economy at risk by opposing Senate tax cut extension bill
- Gov. Calvo, in weekly radio address, says protection of unborn is paramount
- Tougher abortion regulations set
- Women at risk: Abortion clinic legislation passes on a pretext
- The DOW
- The FTSE
- The DAX
- The Hang Seng
- Capital Punishment
- Homophobia
- Xenophobia
- Racism
- Prejudice
- Bigotry
- Fascism
- Eugenics
- Ethnocentrism
- White Supremacy
- Technocracy
- Theocracy
- Mein Kampf
- Adolf Hitler
- The Ku Klux Klan
- The Army of God
- US Religious Demographics
- US Domestic Violence Statistics
- US Child Abuse Statistics
- US Child Neglect Statistics
- US Suicide Statistics
- US Hate Crime Statistics
- US Transgendered Discrimination Statistics
- 43,000 Americans Die Every Year From A Lack Of Medical Insurance
- The Number of Uninsured Americans
- Gay-Rights
- Transgenderism
- Women's Rights
- Pro-Choice
- Pro-Life
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
- The US Constitution
- The Bill Of Rights
- Treason
- Sedition
- Eldridge Cleaver
- Malcolm X
- The Department Of Justice
- The Department Of The Treasury
- Western Reserve Historical Society
- Recording Telephone Conversations
- File A Better Business Bureau Complaint
- My biographical Profile
Personal Further Reading:
My Significant Journal Entries:
- My Biographical Profile
- Public Declaration
- My Complete Medical Record Of My Caregiving For Aileen
- Finding Neverland
- How Do I love thee. The First Anniversary Of Aileen's Rosebush
- My Philosophy of Life
- Second Gear, My discussion of my Pro-Life, and Pro-Choice Position
- The Time I was hired to photograph and met President-elect Ronald Reagan
- My 250 Million Variable Characteristic Hieroglyphic Language
- My Global Warming Research
- Quantum Mechanics And Newtonian Metaphysics, Originally Dictated On Friday March 19, 2010 (two days before Aileen collapsed and was told she only had 2 months left to live
- Pressurized Moments
- Religion 101
- I Am An Iconoclastic Human Rights Advocate
- The Dark Lord
- Sand On The Floor
- A Human Comedy
- The Tortoise And The Hare
- Fear: One of Life's Great Motivators
- Give Me That Old Time Religion
- The Real Explanation of What?s Going On With Japan
- The Shadow People
- The Music Of The Spheres
- The Maschke Dynamic
- At Last
- Midnight Madness
- A Speck Of Dust On A Dirty Beach
- Choices of The Heart
- Oh There You Are
- Finding The Path
- Death Be Not Proud
- John Denver-The Box
- Relevancy
- The Environment Of My Mind
- The Dented Soul
- Talking To The Ghosts In My Heart
- A Rumpled And Misunderstood Life
- The Metaphysics of Hatred
- System Update: The Metaphysics Of Computing
- The Letter
- Human Rights
- Human Rights-An Analysis Part I
- Human Rights-An Analysis Part II
- Appearances Are Deceiving
- Unfinished Business
- The Velvet Hammer
- Reality Always Wins
- Midnight With The Iron Maiden
- The Difference Between Love And Hate
- System Update: Comprehensive
- Rummaging Through An Old Drawer
- Tidying Up
- Climbing The Mountain
- Clear Vision
- Dancing In The Backyard With My Weed Wacker
- Exercises In Multi-Directional Thinking
- Having Dinner At The Gates Of Hell
- Assured Distance
- The Dignity Of The Human Soul
- The Remarkable Thing
- Two ? Three ? One ?
- Following The Footprints In The Sand
- Second Sight
- In The Midst Of Darkness A Single Spark Of Light Guides My Way
- Battling Demons In The Darkness
- Israel Hits Hamas Government Buildings
- Shadow Boxing
- Looking At Future's Past
- Circles Of Synchronicity
- Well That Was A Bad Idea
The mind is like a book. Opened and much is learned. Closed and nothing is learned. (N. Maschke ? 1994)
Source: http://nicolemaschke.blogspot.com/2012/11/how-fiscal-cliff-may-affect-your-taxes.html
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